Kimi wa boku no shitsuren desu
(-You are my lost love-)

Chapter one - Strange dreams

A certain blond boy, probably at the age of 14, ran through a street of ugly and badly build huts, one of them was his own. He and his father did not have much money and they were from low rank, not like the pharaoh in the palace. However, he could live with it. As long as he was with his friends, he could handle everything…
The heat that day was abnormally high so he wanted to take a cooling swim in the Nile. As the small, blond boy reached the water, he undid most of his clothes and quickly dove in, careful not to hurt himself at the bottom of the river. He let out a relaxed sigh. Finally, he could get away from the heat.
As he swam, he could hear the laughter of his friends, Yugi, Ryou and Malik.
“JOU!” Yugi cried happily, as he also stripped most of his clothing and ran into the water, letting it splash everywhere. The boy named Jou smirked. Yes, his nickname was Jou, only his friends called him like that. His real name though, was Katsuya Jounouchi, son of a man of low rank. His mother died a few years ago, so now they both had to work much to earn a little money. (AN: Jou does most of the household and he makes things to sell on street, together with his friends.)
Ryou followed Yugi into the water and let a startled little cry when the cold water touched his hot, almost burned, flesh. Malik let out a sigh, but soon also followed them, driven by the warm sun that burned his skin. He watched as Yugi playfully splashed Ryou in the face. While Yugi was laughing at Ryou who was trying to get the water out of his eyes, Jou slowly crept up behind him. Malik smirked evilly when he knew what Jou was about to do. He too started to swim towards Yugi. Just when Yugi looked away, Jou tackled him in the water and started to tickle him. Yugi let a startled yelp. “J-Jou! S-stop!! Please…” He begged, laughing.
“Say uncle!” Jou laughed as well. How could one not with someone as Yugi?
“N-no!” The captured boy let out a gasp and tried to swim away. Jou got a stronger hold of him, but the small boy was struggling too much and he let go. Too bad for Yugi, he did not notice Malik in front of him. He was captured again, this time by the strong arms of the oldest boy of the group. Luckily, Malik did not do much to the shocked boy. He only held him still so Jou could tickle him well. (AN: Poor Yug. Luckily, I don’t have any ticklish spots =P)
“Ryou! Help!”
Ryou laughed as he swam to the boys. Soon though, he realized he could not do a thing against his two strong friends.
“Say uncle!” Jou again said.
“O-okay!” The poor kid said. “Uncle!” At that, Jou stopped and Malik let go.
Yugi sighed of a happy exhaustion.
“Let’s go back.” Jou said. He did not want to, but he had more work to do. As he walked to the edge of the river, he did not notice another presence in the bushes.
Malik looked up; he thought he heard something crack. He did not see anything so he started to walk. When he looked at Ryou and Yugi, the boys nodded and began to walk to their clothes too. Jou was almost finished clothing when they reached him.
Again, there was a loud crack, together with a rustle. Malik looked up, right on time when a strange man appeared behind Jou.
The said boy looked up in surprise at his friend’s quick outburst. As he opened his mouth to say something, two very strong arms grabbed him from behind. Jou’s eyes opened more from the shock. He tried to struggle, but he could not do a thing against the strong grip. It was hurting him. He could hear his friends screaming and trying to reach him, but they were captured too. Tears started to form in his eyes, but Jou did not dare to spill them. Never show your enemy weakness, his father had said. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his neck. The last thing the boy could see before blackness clamed him, were his friends, hanging loosely in their capturer’s arms.
~End Dream~
Jou shocked awake. Sweat was twinkling on his skin and his hair was sticking against his head. The boy gasped slowly, what was this dream? He let his fingers trail on his arms, the place were those hands had held him in his dream. It still hurt a little bit, like all what happened was real. Why did he have this dream? What did it mean?
Jou looked at his alarm clock. It said 7.50am. He was again late. As he quickly got up and walked to the mirror, he could see that his skin had darkened a little. Just like its color from his dream. Was it because of the dream? It could not be because of the weather, it was winter outside. The boy sighed; he could feel a headache coming up. ‘Better let this dream drop, or else I’m gonna hurt myself even more.’
For the second time that morning, Jou looked at his alarm clock.
“Aw man! Only 5 minutes left!”
He quickly put on his school clothes and ran downstairs. The smell of alcohol still hung in the whole house, but Jou knew his father would be gone for 2 weeks.
He grinned. There where times he would be left alone, but he did not mind if it was his father that would be gone. The man only drunk and beat him up. He would not even miss him.
As Katsuya grabbed something to eat, he opened the front door and escaped through it. After quickly closing and locking the door, he happily walked towards Yugi’s house to pick him up for school, if he was not late of course. There were times he really was too late and the boy had already left, thinking he was sick or something.
Oh well… He did not really mind him; it was his own fault of course. Jou entered Yugi’s house where Yugi’s grandfather happily greeted him. Jou asked him if Yugi was still home. Too bad, Yugi was gone already.

This story is in progress :)